
21 Vibrant Digital Paintings of Ibrahem Swaid

Colorful, saturated, fresh… these words describe the artistic style of talented Syrian game designer and digital illustrator Ibrahem Swaid.

You may recognize him all over the internet as Noobovich. 🤩

When he’s not creating extraordinary characters, Ibrahem teaches up-and-coming digital artists how to create portraits and narrative illustrations from sketch to final. (Peruse his tutorials on Artstation and Gumroad.) 

Take a peek into his story so far as a successful freelance illustrator and concept artist:

“I started digital art during high school, then joined a college of fine arts. While I wanted to keep doing comics and character designs, my instructors pushed me to move towards modern art. So I did experimental work for two years, and I kept learning digital painting from online classes.

I took a full time job for a month, then moved to freelancing. I started working as a UI designer for interactive TV games, slowly building my illustration portfolio. With some luck, I got one of my Diablo 3 fan art pieces picked up by Blizzard and posted on their front page! That got my career kicked off, doing illustrations for games.”
Have a browse through this selection of the best artwork from Ibrahem Swaid below… then follow him on Instagram, learn from him with one of his tutorials or Twitch streams, and show him your support on Artstation!

See more of Ibrahem on the web:


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Designed to Paint Incredible Portrait Details!

The post 21 Vibrant Digital Paintings of Ibrahem Swaid appeared first on Paintable.


Painting Crystals And Gems – Digital Painting Walkthrough

“How do I get a translucent look when painting crystals and gems?”

Taking on the challenge of painting shiny, semi-transparent objects like crystals and gems, amber and sea glass is not for the faint of heart! 

Understanding how to get a realistic see-through lighting effect on objects can give your digital painting skills and entirely new dimension.

In this video, I’ll show you how I approach painting 2 glowing, faceted crystals that bounce reflected light off of each other. 

You’ll see some of the essential tools and techniques I use in my daily art processes, such as the pen tool, group masks, blur effects and more…

Tips to help you paint unique crystals:

  • Study the lighting on similar objects from a reference board
  • Draw multiple sketches to find a good design
  • Keep in mind the direction of the light source when painting the cuts (facets) on the crystal
  • Use texture brushes to add grains to the crystals and gems
  • Add small imperfections for a more realistic look

👉 If you need a more in-depth tutorial on lighting and shadows in general, check out this video on painting from imagination

Want to participate in free, fun digital art challenges like this one? 

Join me and thousands of other digital artists like you on the Paintable Discord server

New Challenges are happening all the time. See the “Challenges” section on the server, and jump right in!

Want the same set of brushes that I use in all of my paintings? You can download them here for free. 👇 

You’ll also get on the list to hear when I release my latest video tutorials and walkthroughs!


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Designed to Paint Incredible Portrait Details!

The post Painting Crystals And Gems – Digital Painting Walkthrough appeared first on Paintable.