
21 Vibrant Digital Paintings of Ibrahem Swaid

Colorful, saturated, fresh… these words describe the artistic style of talented Syrian game designer and digital illustrator Ibrahem Swaid.

You may recognize him all over the internet as Noobovich. 🤩

When he’s not creating extraordinary characters, Ibrahem teaches up-and-coming digital artists how to create portraits and narrative illustrations from sketch to final. (Peruse his tutorials on Artstation and Gumroad.) 

Take a peek into his story so far as a successful freelance illustrator and concept artist:

“I started digital art during high school, then joined a college of fine arts. While I wanted to keep doing comics and character designs, my instructors pushed me to move towards modern art. So I did experimental work for two years, and I kept learning digital painting from online classes.

I took a full time job for a month, then moved to freelancing. I started working as a UI designer for interactive TV games, slowly building my illustration portfolio. With some luck, I got one of my Diablo 3 fan art pieces picked up by Blizzard and posted on their front page! That got my career kicked off, doing illustrations for games.”
Have a browse through this selection of the best artwork from Ibrahem Swaid below… then follow him on Instagram, learn from him with one of his tutorials or Twitch streams, and show him your support on Artstation!

See more of Ibrahem on the web:


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The Beautifully Diverse Art and Journey of Sammy Khalid

Art is a voyage of self-discovery…

Sammy Khalid, also known around the web as @chigg, is half-Sundanese half-Filipino digital artist from Ireland.

Throughout his career he worked on amazing projects like Black Mirror, Artemis Fowl and League of Legends, with clients such as Disney, Netflix and HBO.

Take a look at a selection of his best paintings and find out what it took for him to go from a kid drawing characters on all of his school notebooks to becoming a professional illustrator…

The Paintable team had the good fortune to be able to ask Sammy about his artistic journey so far- here are some highlights we wanted to share with you!

All my notebooks from school were covered in random sketches…

Sammy Khalid: My art journey has been quite unconventional. A lot of the time I had no idea what I was doing so blind luck is a big factor in where I am today. I’ve always loved drawing ever since I could hold a pencil. All my notebooks from school were covered in random sketches of monsters and characters from my favourite films and games. I found it impossible to study for tests but I could focus my concentration on an 8-hour drawing without a break. This strange ability got me the attention of peers and teachers alike and the reputation of being “the best artist around”…

I learned the hard way that talent will only get you so far…

Naturally, I took this title to heart and with ego inflated, I carried it with me into adulthood and into art college where I studied animation. There I learned the hard way that talent will only get you so far. It’s hard work that separates a professional from amateur artists.

I learned about drawing fundamentals, how to research, the film making process and working within a team. It was around this time that I realised I wanted to be a concept artist. It was when I graduated that it dawned on me that in order to get into the entertainment industry, my work needed to be as good or better than the current professionals that I admired. This is when I started to take painting seriously…

I re-invested my earnings into mentorships

I put a hold on my social life and made an 8-hour daily painting schedule to simulate working in a studio. Luckily, I had been living with my parents who were supportive and I didn’t need to pay rent, this gave me time to really focus on getting good. 

At this point I had already started making money through freelance storyboard gigs and editorial illustrations which covered my cost of living. I then re-invested my earnings into mentorships in environment design, matte painting and character design from some of my favourite artists. They helped me build a professional portfolio that got me into the film industry working in a VFX house as a concept artist/ matte painter…

I am grateful every day for the chance to do what I love…

Since then, I’ve been working full time as a Concept Artist/ Illustrator. I have got to work on great projects such as Black Mirror, Artemis Fowl and League of Legends for dream clients such as Disney, Netflix and HBO.

This job has given me amazing flexibility to work from anywhere in the world and I am grateful every day for the chance to do what I love.

See more of Sammy Khalid on the web:


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5 Professional Artists Who Killed It With One Week Portrait

Our One Week Portrait Challenge attracts artists from the world over, from beginners who have just bought their first graphics tablet to professional artists looking to exercise their creativity.

In our first Challenge of 2020, over 17,000 artists made the commitment to pick up their styluses, boot up their painting program of choice, and paint every day for five days! 😍

Today, we’re giving some love to five of the awesome pro artists who completed the One Week Portrait Challenge to give you a big dose of encouragement and inspiration! 

Sara Tepes

Sara Tepes is a college student originally from Romania, and her paintings are mind-blowing. 🤯 Sara loves everything peach-flavored, and you can even see this in her incredible art, which often uses gorgeous warm orange and yellow tones.

For One Week Portrait, she recreated a reference in her signature style, and it practically jumps off the page!

The incredible Sara Tepes – Click to see her timelapse of this OWP painting!

Follow Sara on Instagram and support her over on Patreon for discounts on her prints, an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at her painting process, and more! 🖌

Mel Milton

The talented Mel Milton – Catch his video on this OWP portrait on his YouTube channel

Mel Milton is a self-taught professional digital painter and author of two digital painting books, where he shares his art, or “dooks”, as he calls them.

Mel is a truly intuitive painter. Rather than sticking to a set process each and every time, he mixes it up depending on how he feels. For One Week Portrait, Mel painted this beautiful portrait in grayscale first to get down the tones before adding color, and the final result really pops! 💥

You can follow Mel on Instagram, support him by buying a print of his work or his in-demand dook volumes from his online shop, or subscribe to his YouTube channel, where Mel shares speed painting videos along with commentary on his painting process! 🎤

Tricia Loren

The expressive Tricia Loren

Tricia Loren is an inspirational painter who’s very easy to relate to. Like many of us, Tricia sees painting as an escape and a way to express herself. And she’s entirely self-taught!

Tricia’s use of pastel colors adds a whimsical, magical quality to her art,  and she’s a perfect example of how dedication and persistence are all you need — not an artistic background and a diploma from art school! 🎨

Support Tricia by buying a print or following her on Instagram, where you can find works in progress, finished pieces, commissions, and a whole lot more! ✨

Ibrahem Swaid

The charismatic Ibrahem Swaid

Dubai-based freelance concept artist and illustrator Ibrahem Swaid has a portfolio packed full of dynamic portraits and charismatic characters, and his One Week Portrait project is no exception!

After picking his reference, Ibrahem followed the One Week Portrait process to create the perfect line art before picking his colors and adding his signature stylized flourishes. The finished result is a captivating portrait.

Follow Ibrahem on Instagram, shop stickers, prints, and books, and subscribe to his Twitch channel for time-lapses, live painting sessions, and commentary! 😍

Sammy Khalid

The very productive Sammy Khalid (aka @Chigg)

Our final pro participant of the One Week Portrait Challenge is Sammy Khalid, a professional concept artist and sci-fi and fantasy illustrator from in Ireland.

His career spans film, gaming, and advertising, and Sammy boasts an impressive resume that includes Black Mirror and Room. 😲

You can follow Sammy on Instagram, where he shares a new painting every single day, as well as support him on Patreon and get your favorite piece of art printed on a canvas, tote bag, laptop sleeve, and more at his shop! 🖼

During One Week Portrait, Sammy painted not just one or two but five incredible caricatures. You can really see how his use of color in the early stages lay the foundation for an incredible finished piece.

Who are your favorites?

Check out the profiles of these amazing professional artists, follow them for an abundance of artistic inspiration, and don’t forget to support them too. Even if it’s a like or a comment, a little bit of love goes a long way. ❤

Happy Painting!


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The Luminous Portraits of Julia Razumova (AKA Bluesssatan)

It’s hard to find many artists who are both talented AND prolific, but Julia is one of those rare few!

This skilled portrait painter has no less than 227 paintings featured on her Artstation… and ALL of them are incredible!

Besides painting breath-taking portraits, Russian-born Julia Razumova also creates beautiful brushes (which she sells on her Gumroad), and is super popular on her Instagram, where she is better know as @bluesssatan

We’ve gathered a selection of 15 of her best paintings.. and considering how many there are, that was no easy task! Enjoy:

Learn to Paint Your Own Masterpiece!

If you like what Julia Razumova’s art & if you want to learn more about the art of digital painting – we have something special for you!


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26 Majestic Digital “Oil Paintings” by Alexis Franklin

She takes inspiration from oil paintings, and then recreates their look with Photoshop.

Alexis Franklin is a young, full time videographer based in Texas, who also paints in her free time. But a glance at her portfolio makes it hard for anyone to believe that digital painting is just her hobby and sideline. No wonder, her impressive works have earned her almost 34,000 followers on Instagram to date.

Alexis often paints surreal and expressive subjects, with a style that bears very close resemblance to oil on canvas. A traditional art enthusiast, she takes inspiration from her favorite oil painters, and then recreates the mood and texture in those paintings with her computer and Wacom tablet.

Here are 26 of our favorite digital “oil” paintings by Alexis Franklin:

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Alexis Franklin | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

See more of Alexis Franklin on the web:


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Designed to Paint Incredible Portrait Details!

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The Incredible Art of Loish (Lois van Baarle)

Her artworks are sending digital waves across the world…

Lois van Baarle, more popularly known as Loish, is a freelance digital artist and animator from the Netherlands. Her use of vibrant colors, overstated lines, and expressive characters has earned the attention and admiration of digital art fans from all over the world.

With over a million followers on Facebook, she is one of the most popular digital artists on the internet today. The Art of Loish, a compendium of her best works, was successfully funded in Kickstarter within just 2 hours, and was then published in April 2016.

Take a look at some of Loish’s adorable artworks, and see for yourself why she’s one of the most popular artists today.

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Loish | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

See more of Loish on the web:


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Designed to Paint Incredible Portrait Details!

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The Inspiring and Extraordinary Sci-Fi Artwork of Sinix

A master of many talents, and an INCREDIBLE digital painter..

Sinix is a self-taught digital artist based in Orange County, California. His portfolio is full of beautiful artwork that show a wide variety of styles: from portraits, to sci-fi concept paintings, to manga or anime.

Aside from being an amazing artist, he’s also a talented art teacher who has a huge following on his Youtube channel. In one of our favorite videos, he shares his inspiring story of how he started literally from scratch, without any formal art training, and how he eventually got better with patience and tons of practice.

At age 19, he admits to sketching cartoons that look like drawings of a much smaller kid. After a few years of persistent practice, he now creates fantastic digital paintings, and even shares his knowledge to other aspiring artists.

Here are 13 paintings from the inspiring portfolio of Sinix:

Sinix | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Sinix | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Sinix | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Sinix | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Sinix | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Sinix | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Sinix | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Sinix | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Sinix | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Sinix | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Sinix | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Sinix | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Sinix | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

See more of Sinix on the web:


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Designed to Paint Incredible Portrait Details!

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16 Fierce Digital Paintings by Izzy Medrano

‘Art is emotion’, after all…

Izzy Medrano, also known as Cannibalcandy, is a freelance concept artist and illustrator from Los Angeles, California. You’ve probably seen some of his works featured in ImagineFX and Concept Art World, or perhaps even while playing God of War, Starhawk, and Magic: The Gathering.

Aside from his vivid imagination and attention to detail, what makes Izzy’s work truly special is his ability to capture the intense emotions of the characters he draws. Be it in the form of a demi-god, a monster, or a dog, Izzy gives his characters a fierce expression that strikes every viewer’s soul.

Izzy is also a talented teacher – his highly recommended Logic of Color and Light series on YouTube and Patreon teach the fundamentals to professional painting, illustration, and concept art techniques. Incredibly, he’s managed to build these while travelling the world on his boat!

Here are 16 of our favorite digital paintings from his portfolio:

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Izzy Medrano | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

See more of Izzy Medrano on the web:


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15 Badass Fantasy Paintings by Daarken (Mike Lim)

Being an artist AND gamer, this man is living the dream…

Mike Lim or “Daarken” to his followers, is a freelance concept artist for games. He began his professional career in 2004 after receiving an unexpected call from Wizards of the Coast–while he was playing video games, of course.

Since then, he has been a mainstay in the gaming industry, working for big entities such as Mythic, Blizzard, Fantasy Flight Games, Applibot, and more.

Having his career seems to be a dream come true for anyone who shares his two greatest passions. Here are some of our favorite pieces from his labor of love:

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Daarken | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

See more of Daarken on the web:


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Popped Culture: Strangely Awesome Paintings by Dan LuVisi

“A twisted trip down memory lane..”

..may be the best way to describe the recent work of LA-based concept artist Dan LuVisi.

Wildly successful on Kickstarter, Dan is a concept artist for film, video game, and comic books. In 2010, he published the first volume of his graphic novel series, Last Man Standing: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter. A movie adaptation of this comic book is currently in the works.

​In his latest pet project, Popped Culture, Dan exhibits his artistic prowess and dark sense of humor. It features the most beloved characters from our childhood, in some unlikely–a.k.a. gruesome and violent–settings.

It gets bloody, but not any less delightful. Here’s a preview of Dan LuVisi’s latest project:

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

Dan LuVisi | Digital Painting & Art Inspiration on Paintable.cc

See more of Dan LuVisi on the web:


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Designed to Paint Incredible Portrait Details!

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